Festival fun continues in Galicia with a very special celebration in the municipality of Vilanova de Arousa, 59 Km southwest of Santiago de Compostela, where you can share in the Feast of the Momo March 8 and 9, 2014. The burial of the Momo marks the end point of the Carnival celebrations making way for the 40 days of transition to the full blossoming of SPRINGTIME and New Festivals for all of us to discover and ENJOY!
This local tradition is celebrated by its residents and people from neighboring towns all visiting Vilanova de Arousa taking part in the festival activities including traditional gastronomy favorites, fantastic wine, and music to accompany your enjoyment of the events activities while you take in all the color of their vibrant costumes which are a hallmark of this festival season of Carnival!
Celebrated around the world for more than 5,000 years CARNIVAL commemorates the change from Winter to Spring and has long been related to Catholic Lent. Celebrating FREEDOM is one of the most important features in Entroido where people dress up and Live It Up more freely which is symbolized by the wearing of colorful masks and costumes allowing people the opportunity to let loose maybe a little bit more than usual which is another benefit of the Traditional Masks.
For more information please visit: https://www.facebook.com/FiestasGalicia/photos/a.140392832672809.28297.140275159351243/724935424218544/?type=1&theater and http://www.paxinasgalegas.es/fiestas/festa-do-momo-vilanova-de-arousa-3452.html