Galicia is known for its fresh, diverse and unique seafood. The coast of Galicia is full of many interesting seafood delicacies to discover, taste and enjoy. One is the Percebe and is a seafood treasure that is celebrated and enjoyed by locals. Especially, at the Festival de Percebe en Aguiño which takes place the first weekend in August.
If you are traveling enjoying the Galician coastline you may enjoy this festival as it is just 79 Km south west of Santiago de Compostela. With so many festivals to choose from it might be difficult but then you have another reason to visit again while you continue to discover more of Galicia. Thank you to our friend and chef Kique for a little personal tour and special time at the festival.
“Goose barnacles (order Pedunculata), also called stalked barnacles or gooseneck barnacles, arefilter-feeding crustaceans that live attached to hard surfaces of rocks and flotsam in the ocean intertidal zone.