Red Wine Served Cold was a new tradition that was shared with me by my friend and Camino project companion German Limeres. His love of red wine, and the tradition of it being served cold in Galicia was something new for me. But with a couple years of practice and lots of time living on the Camino it is a tradition I have become accustomed to. German’s passion for photography and wine come together perfectly in his fantastic picture above – you know this wine will be delicious and refreshing.
Thank you German for all your incredibly inspiring pictures!
A little wine tasting information from –
“What makes some reds chill well while others don’t? The secret is in tannin, a component from the grapes’ skins that gives red wines their gripping, tongue-drying texture. Chilling amplifies the effect and can make red wine seem bitter. But some softer tannic wines (ones with a less intense and lower amount of tannins) actually benefit from chilling, because it pumps up their fruitiness and makes them even more refreshing.” –